21 February 2022

We’re seeking your feedback on our annual customer satisfaction survey.

Annual ICS survey

We recently launched our annual customer satisfaction survey.

We need your feedback

In partnership with the Institute of Customer Service (ICS), this survey helps us to benchmark our performance against other companies.

Your responses will help shape our customer service 

Our customer satisfaction survey results are an important reflection of our performance. They shine a spotlight on what we do well, and crucially, they highlight to us areas where we can improve.

It only takes 10 minutes to complete

We only need 10 minutes of your time to tell us your thoughts.


The survey closes on Wednesday 23 February 

On Friday 4 and Monday 14 February, you’ll have received emails from the ICS containing a link to the survey.

If possible, we encourage you to access the survey from these previous emails. This allows us to break down results by customer segments.

Alternatively, you can access the survey using the following link, which is available to all our customers.

Complete the survey

Thank you for your time and we look forward to seeing your feedback. If you have any questions, please email us at customerexperience@xoserve.com.

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