10 September 2021
We're pleased to share the first draft of our 2022 Business Plan. This document sets out our strategic priorities and budget for the financial year commencing April 2022 and provides our forecasts for the following two financial years.
This draft plan builds on our BP22 Principles and Approach document, where we shared our proposed approach to developing the 2022 Business Plan and the key investment areas we believe will deliver the greatest value between April 2022 to March 2025.
We have also sought to provide a thorough understanding of the market context we believe we must respond to, along with our cost drivers and the assumptions we have made along the way, to give our customers ample opportunity to review, understand and challenge our thinking, ensuring that what we do enables and supports their business strategies.
Customer Consultation
We're keen to hear customers’ views on the proposals within this draft plan. We will therefore be outlining the plan at Contract Management Committee on 15th September and have scheduled deep-dive sessions with customers/ customer constituencies thereafter. We will also be issuing the business cases to all DSC Contract Managers.
If you prefer to respond in writing, please send your responses to customerexperience@Xoserve.com.
Our consultation is open from Friday 10th September to Friday 15th October.
If you have any questions about this draft of our business plan, or if you'd like to know more about how we're developing our plan, please speak to your Customer Advocate or email customerexperience@Xoserve.com.
Business Plan 2022 Principles and Approach - Feedback and Responses
Along with the first draft of our Business Plan, we are also pleased to share our Business Plan 2022 Feedback and Responses document. This highlights our responses to the thoughts and feedback our customers provided during the Principles and Approach consultation period.
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