6 July 2020
Dear Customer,
The DC Exit programme will be migrating Service Desk Plus (SD+) from our Legacy Data Centre to the TCS ECP Data Centre, as well as Disaster Recovery (DR) Testing. During the final cutover and DR testing, SD+ will be unavailable during the following times whilst we complete essential migration activities.
How does this impact me?
During the outage windows the SD+ application and self-service portal will be unavailable. The Service Desk number will still be available if users need to raise any service requests. Once the outage windows are complete all SD+ processes will function as normal.
When will the Migration exercise take place?
As there is no specific maintenance window for SD+ we have chosen a time which has little impact to the dependant application. The dates and times are as follows;
Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th July 05:00 – 09:00AM.
What contingency dates have been agreed?
Contingency dates will be a week behind the purposed migration dates. The dates and times are as follows;
Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th July 05:00 – 09:00AM.
Where can I find out more information?
If you would like to find out more about the DC Exit Programme please visit our webpage on xoserve.com.
Do you have any questions?
If you have any issues contact the Xoserve Service Desk on 0845 600 0506, or alternatively via email at servicedesk@xoserve.com.
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