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XRN 5701
Establishing the Independent Shrinkage Charge and the Independent Shrinkage Expert (Modification 0843 / IGT 165)

Last Updated
01 Feb 2024
On Hold
Release Type
Implementation Date
Proposer OVO Gas Limited Impacted DSC service area

Service Area 10 (Current Apr 21)

Invoicing Customers

Customer Change Team Leader


This Change Proposal has been raised to deliver the requirements outlined in Modification 0843 / IGT 165


Modification 0843 has been raised to incentivise the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and lower customer bills. This Modification introduces the role of the Independent Shrinkage Expert (ISE) who will establish:

  • the Independent Shrinkage Model (ISM),
  • the Independent Shrinkage Model Methodology (ISMM), and
  • the Independent Shrinkage Charge (ISC).


And IGT165 is an enabling Modification which seeks to align the IGT UNC with UNC Modification 0843. It will require that the IGT UNC places an obligation on IGT UNC Parties to:

  • Comply with the ISE as stipulated within the IGTAD; and
  • Not unreasonably withhold data where such data is requested by the ISE for use in the ISMM.

Impacted Customer Types

  • Shipper
  • DNO
  • IGT


Document title Comment Last updated CHMC outcome
Change Proposal CP raised 10/11/2023 Deferred at ChMC 08/11/2023
Initial Review Stage not yet reached    
DSG Discussion N/A 27.11.23 N/A
High Level Solution Options Stage not yet reached    
Solution Review Stage not yet reached    
Detailed Design Stage not yet reached    
Evaluation Quotation Reports (EQR) Stage not yet reached    
Business Evaluation Reports (BER) Stage not yet reached    
Change Completion Reports (CCR) Stage not yet reached    


Change Proposal raised
Status Deferred at ChMC 08/11/23. Due to the development of Mod 0843 that is still required, it was agreed that Xoserve will bring this back for voting in February 2024 ChMC once Mod 0843 is further developed.
Change development
Solution development
Detailed design
Awaiting delivery
In delivery
Change implemented

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