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XRN 5555
Amend existing Large Load Site Reporting

Last Updated
10 Mar 2023
Release Type
Implementation Date
10 Feb 2023
Proposer Scotia Gas Networks Impacted DSC service area


To be confirmed

Customer Change Team Leader


Some of the sites within this data have multiple meters but the data is currently provided as an aggregated demand. The result of this is before we can use it we have to investigate each site to better understand the actual demand split or make an ‘informed decision’ on what the demand is for the individual MPRN’s and this can add weeks to the process as well as add risk as we may make an error.

SGN are looking at the existing Large Load Reporting, and it has been identified within the current reports that some sites have multiple meters however the report is provided is an aggregated demand. (see CP for full list)

 The result of this aggregation is that before we can utilise the report we have to investigate each site to better understand the actual demand split or make an ‘informed decision’ on what the demand is for the individual MPRN’s and this can add weeks to the process as well as add risk as an error in our assessment could be made.

SGN require the addition of the MPRN within the reports as separate sites relative to their MPRN.

Xoserve have provided an interim report for SGN over the last 6 months and we would like to extend this to a permanent change however this would need to be delivered for all DN’s collectively.



Impacted Customer Types

  • DNO


Document title Comment Last updated CHMC outcome
Change Proposal Approved into Capture  12/09/2022 Approved at ChMC 07/09/2022
Initial Review Stage not required N/A N/A
DSG Discussion N/A 27/12/2023 N/A
High Level Solution Options Stage not required N/A N/A
Solution Review Stage not required N/A N/A
Detailed Design 

3120.1 - VO - PO

13/01/2023 Approved at January ChMC
Evaluation Quotation Reports (EQR) Stage not yet reached N/A N/A
Business Evaluation Reports (BER) Stage not yet reached N/A N/A
Change Completion Reports (CCR) CCR 10/03/2023 CCR for approved at ChMC 08/03/2023


Initial Review
Change Proposal Raised 30/08/22
Status Awaiting approval at ChMC on 07/09/2022
Approved into Capture 07/09/22
Status ChMC approved the change proposal into Capture 07/09/2022
Solution Consultation
Stage not required 00/00/00
Status DNO reporting change only
Awaiting Delivery
Expected: 00/00/00
Status Stage not required
In Delivery
Detailed Design Change Pack issed 12/12/22
Status Detailed Design Change Pack approved at ChMC 11.01.23
Implemented 10/02/23
Status CCR approved at ChMC 08/03/23

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