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XRN 5327
Xoserve Change Fund 2021/22

Last Updated
10 May 2022
Release Type
Implementation Date
Proposer CDSP Impacted DSC service area


To be confirmed

Customer Change Team Leader


This Change Proposal will act as the parent XRN for the financial year 2021/22. 

The Xoserve Change Fund will allow Xoserve greater flexibility to deliver appropriate changes with more agility, which will further lead to process and system improvements to increase efficiency and boost customer experience.  As the changes that will draw on this fund are as yet unknown, describing tangible benefits is impossible.  Benefits for each change that draws on the fund will be listed in the related BER (which will remain open for the duration of the financial year) and the CCR (which will be produced at the end of the financial year).

Impacted Customer Types

  • GT
  • IGT
  • NGT
  • Shipper
  • DNO


Document title Comment Last updated CHMC outcome
Change Proposal N/A 25/02/2021 Deferred at ChMC on to ChMC April
Initial Review Stage not yet reached 15/01/2019 N/A
High Level Solution Options Stage not yet reached 15/01/2019 N/A
Solution Review Stage not yet reached 15/01/2019 N/A
Detailed Design Stage not yet reached 15/01/2019 N/A
Evaluation Quotation Reports (EQR) Stage not yet reached 15/01/2019 N/A
Business Evaluation Reports (BER) Stage not yet reached 15/01/2019 N/A
Change Completion Reports (CCR) Stage not yet reached 15/01/2019 N/A


Initial Review
Change Proposal Raised 25/02/21
Status ChMC deferred approval to Capture. Will go back to ChMC in April
Expected: 00/00/00
Status Awaiting
Solution Consultation
Expected: 00/00/00
Status Awaiting
Awaiting Delivery
Expected: 00/00/00
Status Awaiting
In Delivery
Expected: 00/00/00
Status Awaiting
Expected: 00/00/00
Status Awaiting

Contact the Change Team

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You can email us at: and we'll get back on the same day between the hours of 9:00am to 4:30pm.