Customer Support team

Meet our Customer Support team and find out what they do.

Page contents

    Our Customer Support team

    Our Customer Support team is here to help if you have any questions about Xoserve or our services.

    We assign a key contact to each of our customers' organisations

    Whilst you'll hear from this person more frequently, you can always contact the rest of the team for support.

    If you’re not sure who your key contact is, please let us know by emailing

    Email the team

    You can contact the Customer Support team by emailing, your key contact will respond as soon as possible. If they’re unavailable, another member of the team will take care of you.

    Email us


    Constituency meetings

    We hold regular meetings catered to our specific customer segments. We discuss topics tailored to that segment, enabling collaboration amongst your peers.

    Our customer segments are roughly aligned to Uniform Network Code (UNC) groups:

    • Large Shippers
    • Industrial and Commercial (I&C) Shippers
    • Other Shippers
    • Distribution Networks (DNs)
    • Independent Gas Transporters (IGTs)
    • Gas Transmission

    You can find the schedule for all our constituency meetings in our events calendar. If you’d like more information, please get in touch.

    View calendar


    Need help?
    Raise a support request

    Contact us

    Have a question or need support? We’re here for you.

    Email us