Annual Quantity correction process
Find out when and how to request an AQ correction. Learn about what happens at the end of the process.
What to do before making an AQ correction request
Before requesting an AQ correction, you should take the steps set out below. These will help you assess whether correction is needed or the right action to take.
Check you have submitted a recent meter reading
If you’ve submitted a recent meter reading, check that it was accepted and in line with the site’s read history. Make sure:
- you haven’t transposed any digits
- you haven’t mixed it up with another meter
- it doesn’t have an incorrect Through the Zeros (TTZ) count. This is also known as a “Round the Clock” indicator
Check the calculated volume
Make sure the calculated volume looks correct. Check if there’s a problem with the meter details – for example, is it set up as metric instead or imperial, or vice versa?
What to do if any reads are incorrect
If one or more reads are incorrect, you’ll need to replace them. You’ll also need to:
- engage with a previous Shipper if there any data issues in their period of ownership
- submit another, more recent meter reading. Replacing an old meter reading does not trigger a new AQ calculation
What to do if the TTZ count is wrong
If the TTZ count is incorrect, you’ll need to replace the read with the same index but the correct TTZ count.
What to do If the meter details are incorrect
If the meter details are incorrect, you’ll need to correct them with an RGMA flow. You can find out more about Review of Gas Metering Arrangements (RGMA) on our e-learning materials webpage.
The site may not have a suitable start read between 36 and 9 months before the latest read. If this is the case, keep submitting meter readings. Wait until there’s an eligible pair of meter reads.
Check you have a valid reason for correcting the AQ
If you think you need to correct the AQ, make sure you have a valid reason for doing so.
There are eight valid reasons for correcting the AQ and one for a site's Winter Consumption:
- Theft of gas - A confirmed theft has impacted a site’s recorded consumption/AQ calculation.
- Change in consumer plant - A change in consumer plant will/has significantly impacted a site’s consumption i.e. change, physical equipment at the site.
- Commencement of new business - The AQ for a newly acquired customer is not an accurate reflection of the site’s expected consumption under seasonal normal conditions.
- Tolerance change - A read has rejected for outer tolerance due to the current AQ being understated.
- Winter Consumption - To apply or change the current Winter Consumption value.
- Erroneous AQ based on read history - There are scenarios whereby the AQ cannot be calculated due to inaccuracies in a site's Meter Read history, this could be due to incorrect Meter Reads, RGMA updates, Meter Asset/site issues, etc.
- Erroneous AQ change in operation and/or use - To cover the scenario where the material change in AQ is owing to a change in operation/use i.e. factory is now an office, (but all existing equipment is in situ) or operating hours have changed from 12 to 24 hours etc.
- AQ decrease due to the site being vacant – To be used when a site has been in vacancy/had the vacant flag applied for twelve months.
- AQ increase due to the site no longer being vacant – To be used when a site is no longer vacant/has the vacant flag applied and the sites AQ is ‘1’.
How to submit an AQ correction request
AQ correction requests must be submitted electronically by the current Shipper:
- via the IX network
- using the .AQI type
For each correction, you’ll need to submit:
Accessing our secure file and record formats
You can find our file and record formats in the UK Link document secure area. All UNC parties are entitled to access this secure internal network.
If you haven’t already done so, you can apply for access by visiting our Accessing secure documents webpage.
When will a corrected AQ go live?
The new Rolling AQ will go live on the first day of the following calendar month if:
- we receive the .AQI file before close of business on the 15th working day before the end of the month
- the request is not rejected
Accepted requests received after the cut-off will go live on the first day of the second following calendar month.
Why an AQ correction request may be rejected
We need to check your AQ correction request and may reject it if:
- the requesting Shipper is not the registered Shipper
- the request has been made using an incorrect file format
When we reject a request, we assign a reason code. You can find our Shipper Rejection Codes in the UK Link document secure area. You can apply for access by visiting our Accessing secure documents webpage.
We send our responses via the IX network. These are .AQR files, which consist of individual C43 records showing whether the request was accepted or rejected.
Other changes following an AQ correction
When we accept an AQ correction request, there are other changes that take place:
- The Formula Year AQ will change from the same date the new Rolling AQ goes live.
- If the new AQ causes the site to be assigned to a new End User Category, this will take effect on the same day.
- If the new AQ takes the site over the threshold to be read monthly, the meter read frequency will be automatically updated on the same day.
How the AQ “backstop” prevents future problems
If we accept an AQ correction, this sets a “backstop” date of the day on which the new AQ goes live. This stops the monthly AQ process from using any meter readings prior to the go-live date of the corrected AQ. Doing so would undo the correction.
The AQ backstop is the earliest date for which meter readings can be used to calculate AQs.
The site won’t get a new AQ for at least nine months unless you submit another AQ correction.