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XRN 5711
June 24 Major Release

Last Updated
02 Jul 2024
Release Type
Implementation Date
27 Jun 2024
Proposer Xoserve Impacted DSC service area


Not applicable

Customer Change Team Leader


This change proposal has been raised to create a parent XRN for the June 24 Major Release 

There are 2 changes within this release:-

  • XRN5573B -  Update To The Priority Consumer Process (as designated by the Secretary of State for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy - BEIS) - Urgent
  • XRN5675 - Implementation of 0836S - Resolution of Missing Messages after CSS implementation and integration with R0067 and 0855 - Settlement Adjustments for SMPs impacted by the Central Switching System P1 incident
XRN 5573
Updates to the Priority Consumer process (as designated by the Secretary of State for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy - BEIS) - Urgent


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Priority Consumers are those that must be prioritised where there is a national gas emergency. Reference to Priority Consumers is mentioned in Uniform Network Code, section Q1.7.1. Currently there are two categories of Priority Consumers: Category A...
XRN 5675
Implementation of 0836S - Resolution of Missing Messages after CSS implementation and integration with R0067 and 0855 - Settlement Adjustments for SMPs impacted by the Central Switching System P1 incident


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This XRN has been raised on the back of the P1 issue.  Circa 84,000 registrations did not have the secured Active Notification issued in accordance with the REC. The Option selected for resolving this issue, has resulted to inconsistent dates between...

Impacted Customer Types

  • Shipper
  • DNO
  • IGT


Document title Comment Last updated CHMC outcome
Change Proposal  CP Raised 22/02/2024 Presented for information 13/3/24
Business Evaluation Reports (BER) For Approval 04/03/2024 ChMC Approved 13/03/24
Project Update   14/05/2024 Presented at ChMC 08/05/24
Implementation Approach   14/05/2024 Presented at ChMC 08/05/24
DSG Discussion

Meeting - 25/03/24

Meeting - 22/04/24

29/04/2024 N/A
June 24 Release e-learning

Online e-learning course

06/06/2024 N/A
Change Completion Reports (CCR) Stage not yet reached   N/A


Change Proposal raised
Status Presented for Information at ChMC 13/03/24
Change development
Status Stage not required
Solution development
Status Stage not required
Detailed design
Status Stage not required
Awaiting delivery
Status Stage not required
In delivery
Status ChMC approved
Change implemented

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