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XRN 5168
MOD0721 (Urgent) - Shipper submitted AQ Corrections during COVID-19

Last Updated
09 Nov 2020
Release Type
Implementation Date
Proposer Gaz Prom Impacted DSC service area

Service Area 6 (Previous Dec 18 – Mar 21)

Annual quantity, DM supply point capacity and offtake rate reviews

Customer Change Team Leader


Currently within the UNC Users are able to submit Annual Quantity (AQ) Corrections for premises where they consider that the AQ does not reflect the expected seasonally adjusted consumption of gas over the subsequent 12 months.

The UNC sets out the eligible reasons for AQ Correction.  These being:

  • The confirmed theft of gas (UNC TPD G1.6.21(a)) • The installation, replacement or removal of Consumer's Plant which results in a material change in the basis on which gas is consumed (UNC TPD G1.6.21(b)) • The commencement of a new business activity or discontinuance of an existing business activity at the consumer's premises (UNC TPD G1.6.21(c)).

A User may also submit an AQ Correction where the User submits a Meter Reading which is rejected because it falls outside the wider tolerance band, but for which the User is satisfied that the Meter Reading is valid (and would not fail validation if the Annual Quantity were so changed).

The COVID-19 Pandemic has led to businesses varying their activity or patterns of activity, for example: 

  • Discontinuing activity (i.e. not being classed as essential, therefore being subject to Lockdown); • Establishing others (e.g. repurposing factories to make essential equipment (e.g. ventilators)); or, • Increasing existing activity having been classed as essential or meeting shortages (e.g. toilet roll factories).

The current criteria for AQ corrections do not cater for changes in consumption for the above reasons, meaning that many sites have AQs that are unrepresentative of the actual consumption, with no mechanism in place to amend the AQ quickly.


This Change will enable increased volumes of AQ Corrections to be processed, measure and monitor AQ Corrections to ensure compliance with UNC.  Create means to cancel AQ corrections that are non-compliant

Impacted Customer Types

  • IGT
  • Shipper
  • DNO


Document title Last updated Type
XRN5168 - CP 14/May/2020 PDF


Initial Review
Solution Consultation
Awaiting Delivery
In Delivery

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