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XRN 5144
Enabling Re-assignment of Supplier Short Codes to Implement Supplier of Last Resort Directions

Last Updated
20 Nov 2023
Release Type
Implementation Date
Proposer CDSP Impacted DSC service area

Service Area 3 (Previous Dec 18 – Mar 21)

Record/submit Data in Compliance with UNC

Customer Change Team Leader


*Enabling Re-assignment of Supplier Short Codes to Implement Supplier of Last Resort Directions has been withdrawn as Change Request CRD118 was raised within the Ofgem Faster Switching Programme to require that Suppliers undertook Registrations in the event of a Supplier of Last Resort appointment.  This was incorporated within the Retail Energy Code (REC) and means that there is no longer a need to allow re-assignment of a Supplier Short Code.*

The Change Proposal will require changes to the MDD Market Participant Identity Verification Approach Document.

This includes changes to the business rules in section 4 to clarify that supplier short codes can be re-assigned as part of a SoLR event and that a single Market Participant Identity could be assigned to different legal entities where the associated supplier and shipper are different.

Impacted Customer Types

  • GT
  • IGT
  • NGT
  • Shipper
  • Supplier
  • DNO


Document title Comment Last updated CHMC outcome
Change Proposal Deferred for Initial Review 08/04/2020 Deferred for Initial Review
Initial Review Approved 14/04/2020 Approved into Capture Following Initial Review on 14/04/2020
DSG Discussions N/A 22/02/2021 N/A
High Level Solution Options Stage not used N/A N/A
Solution Review Progressed with Ofgem 10/03/2021 Solution Option Change Pack Issued 13/09/2021 - to be progressed with Ofgem
Detailed Design Stage not yet reached N/A N/A
Evaluation Quotation Reports (EQR) Stage not yet reached N/A N/A
Business Evaluation Reports (BER) Stage not yet reached N/A N/A
Change Completion Reports (CCR) Stage not yet reached N/A N/A


Initial Review
Change Proposal Raised 15/04/20
Status Approved
Solution Consideration Change Pack issued 15/02/21
Status Deferred by ChMC on 10/03/2021 - progression with Ofgem
Solution Consultation
Change Pack Issued 13/09/21
Status Change Pack issued, solution in consultation
Awaiting Delivery
This change has been withdrawn 04/10/23
Status N/A
In Delivery
Expected: 00/00/00
Status Awaiting
Expected: 00/00/00
Status Awaiting

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