30 March 2022

Making our website quicker and easier to use than ever before.

We’re sharing some of the improvements we’re making to our website

In 2020/21, we focused our efforts on improving query management.

We replaced the legacy Xoserve Service Desk Portal with our ‘Help & Support’ channel on xoserve.com. This drove improvements in right-first-time routing of incidents and service requests.

We also gave the website a visual refresh and improved the overall accessibility and usability.

However, your feedback and our research showed us where work was still needed.


This year, we focused on making it easier for you to find content and complete tasks

As we approach the end of Business Plan Year 2021/22, we’re sharing the latest improvements we’re making.

Watch this short video to see the improvements we'll soon be delivering. 


The following areas will all make it easier for you to complete key tasks, while easily finding the information you need.

Better search functionality

We’ve added ‘auto-suggest’ to our search bar, introduced prioritised search returns – signposting users to key content, and built an A-Z of key content topics and industry terminology.

Project 1Stop – Improvements to customer change

As part of our customer engagement on Project 1Stop, we’ve developed a number of new features to improve the flow of the change process on the website.

Customer consultation helped us prioritise three key user stories aimed at making it easier for you to navigate the change process.

We’ll soon be releasing the following improvements:

  • an up-to-date, accurate online change register with enhanced filter functionality, helping you access one clear, concise view of change
  • UK Link releases and Investment Changes will be more easily identifiable
  • Change Proposals will be presented differently to help you easily find the key data you need

We’ve also revamped our existing change webpage content, so you’ll soon see vast improvements across the board.

Re-written web pages and easier user journeys

We’ve refreshed our other web pages – removing older, dated content and promoting the relevant information and documentation you need.

Once released, we’ll run usability sessions to test the effectiveness of the content and assess the impact on user journeys.

These results will feed into our continuous customer experience improvement activities.

A new navigation

In October we conducted user testing around how and where users look for content.

Insight from this work formed the basis of our design for a new site navigation. Together with the updates to search and content, you’ll soon be able to quickly and easily find the key information you need.


Get involved

We’re always exploring new ways that we can improve the website for our customers.

You can help us do that. Whether you attend the usability sessions that we run, or simply provide us with feedback, we’d love to hear from you.

To register your interest, provide feedback, or find out more about these changes, please email us at uklink@xoserve.com.

Email us


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