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XRN 5402
Request impact assessment on proposed REC Change Management Impact Assessment

Last Updated
04 Oct 2023
Release Type
Implementation Date
01 Apr 2023
Proposer Xoserve Impacted DSC service area


To be confirmed

Customer Change Team Leader


The Retail Energy Code Manager will, in accordance with the REC Change Management Schedule, request from identified Service Providers (of which the CDSP resides) various levels of Impact Assessments in relation to REC Change Proposals. 


These impact assessments will conform to various deadlines for delivery and should cover any impacts/cost/delivery timescales in relation to CDSP Systems/Services, CDSP Service Provider System/Services & CDSP Customer System/Services (where appropriate).


It is anticipated that there will be three levels of Impact Assessments being formally requested by the Code Manager:


Standard Impact Assessment - 5WD

Preliminary Impact Assessment - 15WD

Detailed Impact Assessment - 40WD (Timeframe may differ depending on approval from the Code Manager)


The CDSP (and it's service providers) need to ensure that the appropriate level of detail is provided back to the REC Code Manager within the agreed timeframes to ensure adherence with the REC performance standards (PAB).

Impacted Customer Types

  • IGT
  • NGT
  • Shipper
  • DNO


Document title Comment Last updated CHMC outcome
Change Proposal Approved 25/07/2021 Approved at ChMC on 11/08/2021
Initial Review Stage not required N/A N/A
High Level Solution Options Stage not required N/A N/A
Solution Review Stage not required N/A N/A
Detailed Design Stage not required N/A N/A
Evaluation Quotation Reports (EQR) Stage not required N/A N/A
Business Evaluation Reports (BER) Stage not required N/A N/A
Change Completion Reports (CCR) Stage not required N/A N/A


Initial Review
Change Proposal Raised 29/07/21
Status Awaiting ChMC approval
Approved to Capture 11/08/21
Status ChMC approved into Capture
Solution Consultation
Expected: 00/00/00
Status Stage not required
Awaiting Delivery
Expected: 00/00/00
Status Stage not required
In Delivery
Expected: 00/00/00
Status Stage not required
Change has been delivered 01/04/23
Status Delivered

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