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XRN 5235
Request for access to SOQ data & capacity figures which influence transportation charges.

Last Updated
16 Feb 2022
Release Type
Implementation Date
17 Dec 2021
Proposer Gazprom Energy Impacted DSC service area

Service Area 18

Provision of User Reports and Information

Customer Change Team Leader


This Change looks to include SOQ data in an existing report “UIG Additional National Data” which is published for customers as part of the UIG reporting suits.


Impacted Customer Types

  • Shipper
  • DNO


Document title Last updated Type
CCR for XRN5235 16/Feb/2022 PDF
XRN5235 CP 12/Nov/2021 PDF
BER for 5235 12/Nov/2021 PDF


Initial Review
Start: 00/00/00
Status Awaiting
Expected: 07/10/20
Status Approved to proceed into Capture by ChMC 07/10/2020
Solution Consultation
Initial Review Change Pack issued 18/10/21
Status ChMC approved 10/11/2021
Awaiting Delivery
Stage not used 00/00/00
Status Change moved directly to In Delivery
In Delivery
Adhoc Release Start Up 10/11/21
Status Shippers approved for this to go straight into Delivery negating the need for further Change Pack
Implemented on 17/12/21
Status Implementation complete

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