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XRN 5209
Amendments to the CDSP Service Document - Budget & Charging Methodology v4

Last Updated
19 Jan 2021
Release Type
Implementation Date
01 Apr 2021
Proposer Xoserve Impacted DSC service area


Not applicable

Customer Change Team Leader


This is a proposal to amend v4 of the Budget & Charging Methodology. The slide deck attached (which is based on what was submitted to the 15th July CoMC) provides the background to the change; a summary of our engagement with customers through attendance at various industry and constituency meetings; and the assessment of financial impacts on charges that result in the proposals below.

1) To change the Charge Base Apportionment Table in paragraph 3.1 replacing the current 22 Service Areas with 15 new Service Area descriptions and for each new Service Area, the revised percentage allocations to Customers.


2) Clarified the definition of cost to include debt (per June CoMC discussions)


3) Cosmetic updates to paragraph references in paragraph 4


4) Update references to Service Areas in paragraph 7.2.2. and include the Managing Change service area as an exception from the standard funding % calculation.


This CP was approved at the Contract Management Committee meeting on 1st Otober

Impacted Customer Types

  • DMSP


Document title Last updated Type
XRN5209 - CP 11/Aug/2020 PDF


Initial Review
Solution Consultation
Awaiting Delivery
In Delivery

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