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XRN 5033
Addition of low-level data to EUC Report

Last Updated
27 Jan 2020
Release Type
Implementation Date
16 Dec 2019
Proposer British Gas Impacted DSC service area

Service Area 18

Provision of User Reports and Information

Customer Change Team Leader


Shippers currently receive an EUC report (developed via XRN4806) that details all Gemini data and customer data at aggregate AQ level. This does not allow them to see a breakdown level which confirms how the EUC data is calculated(banded) together.    

The proposal is to create an additional tab within the EUC report. This will detail how each EUC band is calculated at aggregated AQ level showing the low-level data. This will be a monthly report for all gas days occurred in previous month and will be in spreadsheet format. A check would be required to ensure that the low level data adds up to the Aggregate level in the original report.

Impacted Customer Types

  • Shipper


Document title Last updated Type
XRN5033 06/Nov/2019 PDF


Initial Review
Solution Consultation
Awaiting Delivery
In Delivery

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