Submit a Change Proposal

Submit a Change Proposal

You can use the following form to submit a DSC Change Proposal. After you’ve submitted your Change Proposal, we will assign a unique Xoserve Reference Number and publish it on the Change Proposal Library.

The Xoserve Customer Change Team will then add your Change Proposal to the agenda of the next Change Management Committee (ChMC) meeting for an initial review; the deadline for document submission is eight calendar days before the meeting.

The ChMC meeting schedule can be found here on the Joint Office of Gas Transporters website.

If you require any assistance, please contact

Thank you for submitting your Change Proposal. We’ll provide an acknowledgement within five working days.

A1: General details

Change title *

Date raised *

Sponsor representative details

Xoserve representative details

Change status *

A2: Impacted parties

Customer class(es) *

If [Other] please provide details here

Justification for Customer Class(es) selection

Please use this field to explain how the parties you’ve selected will be impacted

A3: Proposer requirements / final (redlined) change

Problem Statement

Change Description *

Proposed release *

Proposed consultation period *

If [Other] please provide details here

A4: Benefits and justification

Benefit description

What, if any, are the tangible benefits of introducing this change? What, if any, are the intangible benefits of introducing this change? *

Benefit realisation

When are the benefits of the change likely to be realised? *

Benefit dependencies

Please detail any dependencies that would be outside the scope of the change, this could be reliance on another delivery, reliance on some other event that the projects has not got direct control of. *

When you’ve completed your comments please click submit